Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sept 29: Water Heater (pic)

Sept 29, 2007, Tasks Accomplished:
  • Replaced my dad's old water heater
  • Relaxed, and drank a few beers with my dad
The hot water heater at my dad's house looked a little sad, and was leaking. Since I was around, might as well replace it for him.

Notice, in the following picture, that the pipes go up to a T that is leaking. The soldered connection has gone bad, as there is stress on the connection. The pipe to the right is inches above the connection to the left. This will have to be remedied.

The new connections and new valve.

Section cut out and a 90 added.

For some reason I didn't take a picture of the finished product. You can see some pictures on the next page, though.